
ERS Course EBUS training programme – part one

2022. 02. 11. |

22–23 March 2022 | Heidelberg, Germany

28–29 June 2022 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Part one of this training course returns in person, it will provide participants with a the theoretical knowledge that is required for Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS).
Join us for:
- Interactive cases
- Lectures
- Workshops
- Live demonstrations
- Patient handling
- Online modules
- Discussions
- Online assessment

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Registrations are open for the upcoming EBUS Part 1 course. These courses will take place in Heidelberg and Amsterdam. They are part of the European Respiratory Society Certified Training Programme on Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS).

The aim of this program is to train qualified doctors to be able to independently and competently perform EBUS. For further information, visit: 👇https://www.ersnet.org/education-and-professional-development/ers-certified-training-programmes/endobronchial-ultrasound-ebus-certified-training-programme/.


Registrations are open for the upcoming EBUS Part 1 course taking place in Amsterdam and Heidelberg. These courses are part of the ERS Certified Training Programme on Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS). 👉 Register at: https://www.ersnet.org/courses/.