A szervezők az alábbi lehetőséget ajánlják rezidenseknek, szakorvosjelölteknek és PhD hallgatóknak – ingyenes regisztrációval:
Session dedicated to a preselected group of Interns in Respiratory Medicine. With the support of the National Respiratory Associations supporting and endorsing the congress, a small group of Resident in Respiratory Medicine have been selected to attend this congress. The aim of the tutoring programme is to improve how to identify the right “take home messages” when attending a conference. This group, split in two, will be followed by the two chairs, during the whole congress, they will coordinate the activities assigned to each of them, which will be presented in the last session.
Fiataloknak szóló további lehetőségek a kapcsolódó dokumentumban (Lung Health 2019 - Young Generation initiatives)
A rendezvény honlapja: http://lung-health.org/2019/