
ERS ösztöndíj pályázati lehetőségek

2018. 06. 26. | MTT

The 3rd & final call of the RESPIRE3 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellowship programme will be launched by early August 2018 (deadline: 1 November 2018).

Once the call is launched, the updated Application Guidelines and FAQs will be made available via the ERS dedicated web page.

The following ERS Fellowship programmes will also open this year:
ERS Short-Term Research Training Fellowships / Clinical Fellowships – to be launched in August 2018, deadline: 1 October 2018.
NEW! ERS fellowship in public health: planned to be launched later in 2018 (exact timeline TBC).
ERS Long-Term Research Fellowships – expected to be launched in November 2018, deadline: January 2019.

At the ERS Congress in Paris, there will be a presentation on ERS fellowships within the Early Career Member Session (Tuesday, 18 September 2018 at 14:45 to 16:45).