Szeretnénk felhívni a klinikusok figyelmét az ERS levelében ismertetett projektre. Kérjük Tagtársainkat, hogy amennyiben a tüdőrák szisztémás terápiájának toxicitásával kapcsolatosan szívesen válaszolnak egy pár kérdésre (max. 5 perc), a levélben megadott linkre kattintva legyenek szívesek kitölteni a kérdőívet.
Dear Colleagues,
The ERS Thoracic Oncology Assembly is working to create an online platform to connect physicians around Europe who are involved in the management of toxicity related to the ever-expanding range of systemic therapies in lung cancer. We require the input of clinicians as part of the initial phase of this study. We would be thankful if you could forward this survey to your clinician members:
The ToXcsin project is being led by the ERS Thoracic Oncology Assembly (Assembly 11). Once created, the user-friendly online platform will facilitate quick and easy reporting of toxicities from real life practice – keeping physicians up-to-date with the latest developments surrounding these therapies. It will act as a source of information and a platform for exchanging ideas and questions about new drugs. An outcome of this platform will be a useful electronic newsletter sent out to all users on a regular basis with all the latest information on reported toxicities.
We thank you in advance for your collaboration and remain at your disposal should you have any questions.
Best regards,
Anastasia Mlotek-Soulié