
ERS tagok figyelmébe

2016. 11. 23. | MTT

Az ERS  5.2 Monitoring airway diseases (Légúti betegségek vizsgálata) munkacsoportjának elnöke – Prof. Stelios Loukides – felhívással fordul a magyar ERS tagokhoz - lehetőséget kínálva a munkacsoportba való bekapcsolódásra.

Szilasi Mária 
nemzeti delegátus
Dear National Delegates,

In this regard, the diagnosis and treatment of airway diseases is one of the cornerstones in respiratory diseases and one of the foundations of the society, due to its high prevalence and interest for researchers, with many educational opportunities. From the group 5.2. Monitoring airway diseases we are delighted to announce that 2014 has been an intense year.

During our first year leading the group there has been quite a number of activities, which we are sure you will find of interest. A considerable group of people has been working on an ERS Task Force on Exhaled biomarkers. Additionally, there is an update literature review every 3 months, keeping members informed on top publications. As a consequence of the activity of the group, the past ERS Congress has been quiet successful with 168 abstract submitted, covering a wide range of respiratory conditions.

Accordingly, the number of member in the group has been rising in the last few years to over 160. However the group 5.2. is still the smallest as compared to other groups of assembly 5.  This is why we are worried in case there are interested ERS members in your country that are not aware of our activities and may wish to join us.

Thus, we would like to encourage all ERS members’ participation in the group. Only thorough the participation of as many members as interested can new ideas become available and be possible to carry out, bringing new research and interaction opportunities for the participating members. I am sure that many ERS members in your country would like to take the opportunity to actively participate.

So we would like to kindly ask you to encourage ERS members in your country to become a member in the 5.2. group, propose new initiatives and actively participate in current  and future activities & projects.

We would be grateful if you distribute the above message to the national members of your country. 

Thanks in advance for your help, and we wish you and all ERS members in your country a happy new year.

With kind regards,

Steilos Loukides & Jose Luis Lopez-Campos

Chairman & secretary group 5.2.

Stelios Loukides
Associate Professor
ERS chairman group 5.2
University of Athens Medical School
Attiko university Hospital
2nd Respiratory medicine dept
Rimini 1 Xaidari 12462
tel +306944380549
Fax +302105831184
e-mail ssat@hol.gr