
Tudományos hírek a külföldi szakirodalomból

2016. 11. 23. | MTT

Tudományos hírek a külföldi szakirodalomból: The benefits of breathing exercises in asthma Patients with asthma are interested in the use of breathing exercises but their role is uncertain. The effects of the Buteyko breathing technique, a device which mimics pranayama (a yoga breathing technique), and a dummy pranayama device on bronchial responsiveness and symptoms were compared over 6 months in a parallel group study. The study concludes that although the Buteyko breathing technique can improve symptoms and reduce bronchodilator use it does not appear to change bronchial responsiveness or lung function in patients with asthma. S. Cooper et al., Thorax, Vol. 58: 674-679, August 2003 Forrás: http://thorax.bmjjournals.com Common grass pollen causes severe asthma attacks Life-threatening asthma attacks may be caused by common grass pollen. Scientists discovered that periods of high pollen counts coincided with an increase in emergency hospital admissions for cases of severe asthma. The study was conducted over 3 years and more than 5,000 emergency admissions for respiratory illness were monitored and compared to data collated on pollen and pollution levels. The report found that the admissions were in particular linked to the release of pollen from plantago and poeceae grasses, both of which grow across Europe. This study concludes that there is an association between pollen levels and asthma-related emergencies, independent of the effect of air pollutants. A. Tobías et al., Thorax, Vol 58:708-10, August 2003 Forrás: http://thorax.bmjjournals.com