
On behalf of the ACCP President and Board of Regents, it is a pleasure to invite you to attend CHEST 2008. I am sure you will find the program very useful and stimulating. To ensure the quality of the program, all the proposals submitted by the ACCP NetWorks and members were graded and selected on the basis of their merit. A template allocating percentages to all topics in pulmonary medicine, critical care medicine, and sleep medicine was adhered to, ensuring that the annual meeting remains balanced. In addition, provisions have been made, so cutting-edge, groundbreaking sessions can be added to the program, giving you the latest information possible.
Key dates to remember:
August 29: Early registration discounts end
September 5: Exhibitor housing reservations due
September 26: Attendee housing reservations due
October 8: Only online registration available Refunds no longer issued for CHEST 2008
October 23: Preregistration ends
October 24: On-site registration begins